Dr. Neil McKinney, ND
Victoria, BCWe all want to slow aging, prevent cancer and other chronic diseases, and look good in the process. I am giving the capsules to all of my cancer patients, and recommend it to everyone to protect and restore cardiovascular health. I am using the products myself, and can report a rapid and significant improvement in my sun-damaged skin, including some pre-cancerous lesions. My patients love this simple and effective system for health and beauty. It offers great value – which to me means both excellent price and performance.

Dr. Heinz Luscher, MD
Physician / SwitzerlandSince I’m using the Nasobih system I feel more vital, need less sleep, and l look younger (friends tell me). The more scientific reports I read, the more I am convinced that I am preventing myself from getting many serious diseases by taking Nasobih orally.

Renata N.
Nanaimo, BCI could never use any products on my skin because of a skin condition due to mercury poisoning. NASOBIH™ Nutra-Cream is the first product I have been able to use without getting a rash. I just love the way my skin looks and feels.

Gail R.
Vancouver, BCI have very fare skin being Norwegian, so my skin is sensitive to the sun. NASOBIH™ works great in reducing sunburn. My age spots are starting to fade as well.

Chelsea H.
Seattle, WAI love the outdoors and want to stay healthy. I was so pleased to find an antioxidant I could take orally that would keep my skin healthy as well. I use both NASOBIH™ cream and capsules it’s great in keeping my skin hydrated.

Dan H.
Winnipeg, MBI have a skin condition that causes flaking around my eyebrows, nose and cheeks. I don’t like to use cortisone creams to much so I started to supplement with NASOBIH™ Nutra-cream, it took about one month to work but I no longer have any flaking or redness. I haven’t used cortisone cream for some time now.

Cheryl M.
Victoria, BCI have to admit that I was skeptical about taking something orally for my skin. But after three months my friends started to comment on my skin having this glow, I’m sold on the NASOBIH™ system.

Caitlin G.
Vancouver, BCI have been suffering from extreme outbreaks of eczema for 31 years (since I was born). Most recently, an outbreak left me with terrible scarring, wrinkling and aging of the skin. My skin was inflamed all over my face, neck, shoulders and arms. I was in horrible discomfort at night, scratching furiously at my eczema during my sleep, disrupting my partner’s sleep, waking up feeling dry, itchy and irritated. I would try anything to get help, so I finally went to a naturopath who recommended Nasobih Nutra Cream. In only one week, I am seeing a major difference in the feel and dryness of my skin. It’s feeling more youthful and glowing more than ever. I still have a long way to go before my eczema is at bay, but the way that your product has made me feel is invaluable.

Ken M.
Charlotte North CarolinaI’ve been using the cream for over a week now, and I have to say, I’m really impressed with it. It’s easy to use, especially with your tip to have a little moisture on your skin, and makes my skin feel great. And, best of all, it didn’t aggravate my rosacea at all, which many skin care products can do, as you know. Hopefully, in a month or so, I’ll realize all of a sudden that my skin looks a lot better. But, I did notice that my skin feels better and healthier from the very first time I applied it.

Victor B.
Toronto OntarioMy Wife and I have been pleasantly surprised by the wonderful effect of your emu oil on our youngest daughter’s acne. She is 14 years old, and a typical teenager with a few facial blemishes that she was very concerned about. Her two older sisters had gone through this phase with standard drugstore remedies, but they didn’t seem to be helping Cathy.
When we visited your farm on your open house weekend, we bought a vial of 100% emu oil, and suggested that she use a little bit each night. The next month even our neighbor noticed that her face had dramatically cleared up! Now my other two daughters are using the product for general facial health.
Originally it seemed more expensive, but each application uses so little oil that the small container will last for months. They spent a lot more money on cosmetics that didn’t help them.

Jane H.
SandCastle Ranch U.S. / ""Does anyone out there suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome? I do. I have found that rubbing emu oil into both wrists works much, much better to relieve the aching (so that I can sleep at night) than wearing splints and/or taking Relafan constantly. In fact, with all the keyboard “users” in this country, and all the workers’ compensation claims being filed because of this growing problem for employers [carpal tunnel syndrome], we need to provide information on the benefits of emu oil to all major businesses in America and their insurance companies who are paying the medical bills for employees who develop this ailment.

Paul H.
Saskatchewan / ""I suffered with a severe case of shingles. Not being able to stand the itch and aggravation, and after trying medical and home remedies, I was desperate. My daughter had a sample of emu oil, so I tried it. It truly did help! The emu oil relieved the itch and soreness, and within a week of constant use, my skin returned to normal. Emu oil does work!